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Technical Issues
4/2015 pp. 3-10

Pochodne kumaryny do roli molekularnych sensorów fluorescencyjnych do zastosowań w naukach life science

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Fluorescent spectroscopy is an important method in life science which has recently gained popularity. Fluorescent spectroscopy is widely used for example by the researches in the variety of biological structures, intercellular interactions, various kinds of biomolecules and also for understanding of the biochemical processes which take place inside the living organisms. For this purpose, an application of fluorescent sensors and searching for more efficient and more sensitive fluorophore for illustrating, labelling and detection, have become a developing trend in biochemistry, medicine, biology and also in many other chemistry researches. Nowadays, issues which are connected to fluorescence are mainly applied to the newest achievements in the field of fluorescent methods and measurement techniques and also to the development and applications of fluorescent probes, what is closely showed up in this article.

Key words

coumarin, fluorescence, molecular sensor, molecular probes, fluorophore


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