Reviewing procedure
The procedure of articles reviewing in Technical Issues is based on recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
By submitting an article to be published in Technical Issues, the authors express their consent to the reviewing process. Articles are evaluated formally by the editors, then receive an assessment of two reviewers, experts on the subject of the paper. Articles are not sent to the reviewers from the organizations in which the authors work. One reviewer works in a country other than the author’s. The papers are reviewed anonymously - the author does not know the names of the reviewers, and the reviewers do not know the author's name (a so-called "double-blind reviewing"). An editorial number used to identify the article on the later stages of the publishing process is assigned to each paper. The author is informed of the result of the reviewing process.
The list of reviewers of the current year is published in each fourth issue of Technical Issues. The list of reviewers who cooperate with the journal is on the website.
The condition of accepting the article for publication is obtaining two positive reviews.