2/2015 pp. 24-31
Wytwarzanie niskich temperatur metodą chłodzenia magnetycznego
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The discussed process of lowering temperature (below 1 K) concerns the utilization of the magnetic properties of paramagnetic materials. The most important achievements and the progress in the field of low temperatures have been presented. The use of the effect of adiabatic paramagnetic material demagnetization known for over a hundred years has brought about numerous evident benefits. Although the magnetic cooling process is still not commonly used it is applied, for example, as an auxiliary way of attaining low temperatures of around 0 K, but its application is not common. This is due to the fact that the scientists are still searching for an appropriate material which would provide the capability to reduce the temperature to a sufficiently low level. So far, paramagnetic salts and alums, among others, have been used in the adiabatic demagnetization process, but the efficiency of those compounds is too low as against the needs.
Key wordsmagnetic refrigeration, paramagnetic salts
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