2/2015 pp. 47-53
Molibdenian(VI) sodu jako inhibitor korozji stali węglowej
The influence of the concentration of sodium molybdate(VI) on the corrosion of S235 carbon steel in solutions contained chloride and nitrate(V) ions have been studied. For the research purpose a weight loss method has been used. It can be concluded that the addition of Na2MoO4 to the aggressive environment reduces the weight loss of the sample. Inhibition efficiency and corrosion rate have been calculated. The efficiency inhibition of corrosion has been about 93%. It has been found that the corrosion rate of S235 steel, in a solution containing 100 mM sodium molybdate (VI) was about 14 times lower than in the solution without inhibitor. Therefore, the examined compound was an effective inhibitor of the corrosion of S235 carbon steel.
Key wordssodium molybdate(VI), carbon steel, inhibition efficiency
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