1/2016 pp. 21-29
Systemy monitorowania konstrukcji w inżynierii lądowej – wczoraj, dzisiaj i jutro
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Structural health monitoring systems (SHM) are used to gain information about the work of the structure under real operating conditions, i.e. taking into account the material heterogeneity, geometrical imperfections, cooperation with the subsoil, boundary conditions, real load schemes etc. Design and development of SHM systems requires interdisciplinary cooperation and often individual approach. Today, to build long-term systems we use, among others, vibrating wire gages, whose design allows for measuring various physical quantities, for example strains, linear and angular displacements, stress or pressure. Such sensors perform spot measurements. However, it seems that the future of structural health monitoring systems is closely related to the application of optic fiber technology, which allows for the measurement of various physical quantities continuously along the optical fiber length. The article presents examples of SHM systems recently implemented in Poland and the outline of laboratory tests associated with application of the latest technology.
Key wordsstructural health monitoring systems, vibrating wire gages, optical fibers
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