1/2016 pp. 44-51
Propozycja klasyfikacji konstrukcji kopułowych
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This article is focused on considerations of taxonomic methodology of traditional historical design, and is a development of the article entitled "The geometry of domes." A basic parameter referred to in the analysis is the criterion of geometric complexity. On this basis every object was analyzed and classified according to the adopted category. The dimensions and construction material were also given. The practical use of the proposed method is illustrated in examples by the outstanding works of architecture such as: the Church of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence, the chapel of San Pietro in Montorio Basilica of St. Peter in Rome, the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione at Todi, Il Redentore in Venice, Church of s. Ivo in Rome. Those selected objects are European provenience and come from the Renaissance and Baroque. According to the above parameters the table in which the individual structures were systematized was created. It aims to compare the changes taking place in the field of geometry, size and the way of constructing the objects. Analysis, which were made, lead to the obvious conclusion that each following geometric solution are is based on the existing achievements.
Key wordsdome, the criterion of geometric complexity, cross section, the base, the Renaissance, the Baroque
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