2/2016 pp. 39-44
Możliwości wykorzystania termografii aktywnej do lokalizacji zbrojenia w elementach żelbetowych
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The paper presents the possibility of using non-destructive testing with active thermography to the location of reinforcement in concrete elements. Four reinforced concrete elements in the form of beams with dimensions of 24 x 24 x 200 cm was researched. The beams had the main reinforcement with diameters sequentially: 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm and 25 mm. Stirrups with a diameter of 6 mm were placed every 20 cm. Lagging for the main reinforcement of test surface was 26 mm. Reinforced concrete elements were heated with an infrared lamp and thermal images were recorded periodically at intervals of 1 min. Preliminary studies have shown that detection of reinforcement in concrete elements using active thermography is possible. The rebar was visible on the thermograms from the start of the cool down phase for about 20 min after. The study contains a description of the test stand, and the tests performed. The paper also highlighted the problems encountered on the implementation of research and prospect of development active thermography as a non-destructive testing.
Key wordsactive thermography, non-destructive testing, material inclusions, detection of rebar
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