4/2016 pp. 3-8
Wpływ rodzaju paliwa na wartość wskaźnika energii pierwotnej w budynkach mieszkalnych jednorodzinnych
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Each building can be characterized with an energetic quality which is described by energetic indexes. Heat transfer coefficients U for building envelope and woodwork is the basis to count them. Both earlier mentioned coefficients and indexes shouldn’t exceed maximum legitimate value, which are determined in the specification (Regulation issued by the Minister of Transportation, Construction and Water Management from 5 July 2013 changing the concerning technical requirements, with which buildings and their location should comply (Journal of Laws, No. 2013, item 926 and further amendment). The present requirements say that new-designed building should have EP’s index on the maximum level 120 kWh/m2⋅year. This article shows the results of calculations of residential building requirement for heat energy consumption in three variants of used fuels: carbon, gas and biomass. The calculations were done in Arcadia TERMO programme. Authors verified the results of calculations in relation to WT 2014, WT2017 and WT2021 requirements and offered the way to bring the value of EP’s index down.
Key wordsenergetics indexes, fuel, residential building, energetic effect
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