4/2016 pp. 110-115
Morfologia miasta a granice obszaru analizowanego w świetle badań urbanistycznych tkanki miejskiej
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While issuing a planning permit for a new project, requirements resulting from the Spatial Planning and Management Law need to be taken into consideration. Although master plans play their central role in the development of manager space, in absence of them, theirfunction is taken over by planning permits. The planning permit can be made for an area where no master plan has been developed and when it is possible to continue and complete existing buildings. According to this requirement, new buildings should guarantee the preservation of the spatial order while complying with regulations specific for that area. The law, however, does not include provisions on city morphology. The article discusses when such provisions can play an important role and how they can influence the area concerned.
Key wordscity morphology, area analyzed, development conditions, building features, good neighborhood, urban analysis
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