1/2015 pp. 54-67
Właściwości mechaniczne tworzywa pet - przegląd literatury
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The article describes the influence of thee microstructure and environment conditions on the mechanical properties of PET material. From the microscopic point of view, mechanical and thermal properties of PET material have the biggest influence on orientation and crystallization processes of material. From the macroscopic point of view mechanical properties can be described by parameters derived from stress-strain mechanical answers (e.g. from viscosity testing and/or from uniaxial and biaxial stretching tests). Macroscopic mechanical properties average the material microstructure answer to the external force. The article describes the mechanical properties of PET taking into account the influence of temperature, strain, strain rate, molecular weight and method of deformation. The discussion was prepared on the basis of the collected literature data.
Key wordsSBM process, PET material, mechanical properties, uniaxial stretching, biaxial stretching
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