2/2015 pp. 16-23
Ocena kierunków adaptacji podziemnych obiektów pogórniczych w odniesieniu do ich atrakcyjności turystycznej
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The paper presents an analysis of adaptation directions and evaluation of post-mining objects developed for touristic purposes. The topics under consideration have been: needs, possibilities and conditions for protection of mining heritage objects, their adaptation to fulfil functions other than they were designed for, and building regional touristic products on their base. The topic of this paper has been presented using example of six objects which are used in this way. These are old underground mines adapted for touristic purposes of Lower and Upper Silesia. The chosen objects are recognised nationwide as post-mining objects. They have been functioning already for several years as post-industrial touristic objects and range of their use has given the possibility for comparative analysis. The research has resulted in distinguishing factors that affect how the object is perceived by tourists – both positively and negatively. The factors can classify the objects as a place to visit and as a place to come back in the future. Basing on the research it can be concluded, that analysed post-mining objects from territory of Poland are very similar in the way they are adapted. There is no significant difference between them and no evidence for searching other, unusual methods of presentation as it happens abroad. Finally, recommendations for adapting post-mining objects for touristic purposes were developed.
Key wordsadaptation, post-mining object, touristic product, touristic attractiveness
References1. Kruczek, Z., Atrakcje turystyczne. Fenomen, typologia, metody badań, Wydawnictwo Proksenia, Kraków, 2011.
2. Marciniak, A., Rewitalizować czy adaptować obiekty pogórnicze – rozważania teoretyczne, Gospodarka surowcami mineralnymi, 2009, Tom 25, Zeszyt 1.
3. Christian Bortes, http://www.wykop.pl/ramka/1798910/niesamowite-muzeum-kopalni-soli-w-rumunii/) (dostęp 3.01. 2015).