1/2016 pp. 30-36
Odporność ogniowa drewna klejonego

Structural glued laminated timber (glulam) is a modern building material, which is very popular in the modern construction industry because of its durability, beautiful appearance, economic and ecological parameters, and the most important, of its fire resistance, which can be designed according to the calculation methods of fire resistance for wood. One of the main aspects in the construction industry is to ensure the safety of a building. Fire safety was designed for buildings in general and for building materials which were used for the construction. One of the most important characteristics of glulam is fire resistance - its ability to meet the requirements of fire protection in fire conditions. Fire resistance is a period of time in which the structural member can save its power and integrity under influence of fire. Glued laminated timber is primarily used as supporting material and acts as a main structural element. Once a wood catches fire it typically develops char, which insulates the wood, slowly extinguishes fire and protects the core of the wood preserving properties of the structural material, which is a significant advantage compared to other construction materials.
Key wordsglulam, charring, fire resistance, fire protection
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